Working in the Summer Heat: Life as a Roofing Professional

Working in the Summer Heat: Life as a Roofing Professional

Published by Bridgewater Roofing on

Working in the Summer Heat: Life as a Roofing Professional

Working as a roofer in Joplin, Missouri during the summer can be both rewarding and challenging. The summer heat in this part of the country can be intense, with temperatures often reaching well into the 90s and humidity levels that make it feel even hotter. Despite the harsh conditions, roofing professionals in Joplin continue to work hard to ensure that homes and buildings are properly protected from the elements.

Summer Heat

One of the biggest challenges of working as a roofing professional in Joplin during the summer is dealing with the extreme heat. The sun can beat down on the roof, making it feel like an oven as you work to repair or replace shingles. Roofers often have to start their days early in the morning to avoid the hottest part of the day, but even then, they must take frequent breaks and stay hydrated to prevent heat-related illnesses.

Staying Hydrated

It is crucial to take hydration breaks regularly, especially during hot weather or strenuous work. Dehydration can lead to decreased concentration, fatigue, and even more serious health issues. By taking short breaks to drink water and rest, roofers can maintain their energy levels and work more efficiently. As experienced roofers, it is our responsibility to teach the younger generation of professionals about the importance of staying hydrated on the job. By setting a good example and emphasizing the importance of taking care of our bodies, we can help ensure the safety and well-being of future roofers in the industry.

Physical Work

Another challenge is the physical demands of the job. Roofing is hard work, requiring roofers to climb ladders, lift heavy materials, and work in awkward positions for hours on end. The combination of the heat and physical labor can be exhausting, leading to muscle soreness and fatigue. Despite these challenges, roofers in Joplin take pride in their work and strive to do their best to ensure the safety and integrity of the roofs they work on.

Rewarding Accomplishments

Despite the challenges, there are also many rewards to working as a roofer in Joplin during the summer. One of the biggest rewards is the satisfaction of seeing a job well done. Roofing professionals take pride in their work, knowing that they are protecting homes and buildings from the elements and helping to keep families safe and dry. There is a sense of accomplishment that comes from completing a roofing project, especially in challenging conditions.

Another reward is the sense of camaraderie among roofers. Working as a team in tough conditions can create a strong bond between coworkers, who rely on each other for support and encouragement. Roofing professionals often form close relationships with their colleagues, sharing stories and laughs as they work together to get the job done.

Many roofers also appreciate the opportunity to work outdoors and enjoy the natural beauty of the surrounding area. Despite the heat, the summer months in Missouri can be stunning, with clear blue skies and lush green landscapes. Working on a roof can provide roofers with a unique perspective of the area, allowing them to take in the sights and sounds of the outdoors as they go about their work.


Overall, working as a roofing professional in Joplin, Missouri during the summer can be both challenging and rewarding. Despite the job's extreme heat and physical demands, roofers take pride in their work and appreciate the camaraderie and satisfaction that comes from completing a job well done. The opportunity to work outdoors and enjoy the natural beauty of the area also adds to the appeal of working as a roofer in Joplin. Check out our open positions at Bridgewater!